Friday 28 November 2014

The Force Awakens First Trailer 18/11/2014

The Force Awakens 1st Trailer 28/11/2014

Today was the day that all Star Wars fans from across the world finally got a glimpse of what will most probably be the most exciting and anticipated film in 2015, and in my opinion it didn't disappoint. The new film looks bigger and better than ever, with new lightsaber designs, new X wing designs and new droid designs its clear that a lot of effort has gone into advancing what was left from return of the jedi. Here are some parts of the trailer that stood out for me.

1. John Boyega in a Stormtrooper outfit.

I'm not going to try and predict what this means as so many people before me (who are more than likely bigger fans of the franchise) have tried and failed. But I believe that there can only be two reasons that he could be wearing the armour. Either he's going to be a Stormtrooper turned good, which would be interesting to see how and why the character has decided to change his alliance, as we already know Johns set to be one of the leading characters in the new franchise so to see a Stormtrooper then become one of the leading figures in the fight against the Empire would be interesting (Providing he is on the light side within the films). Plus this theory has never been seen within the movie franchise where a character starts off on the side of the empire but then turns to the republic or light, infact within past movie trilogies I don't think anyone from the Dark side of the force has turned to the light, apart from the exception of Vader who died instantly after doing so.
The Second reason he would be wearing it, and what I believe is the more likely reason, would be that he's wearing it as a disguise as he's infiltrated a Stormtrooper base within Tattoine, which would also explain why he's shitting himself in the clip. Also at the end of the trailer the Millennium Falcon looks as though its trying to get away from Tie Fighters in Tattoines atmosphere so if Boyega is going to be one of the main characters maybe this is where he meets Han and Chewy, and another new character in Daisy Ridley, who also seems to be on Tattoine.

2. The Dark Jedi (Even Though It May Not Be A Jedi)

This is probably the image that has caught all the attention, the new Lightsaber design being the main focus point, I personally like it, but only as long as its a one off, I don't know how I'd feel about all the Lightsabers looking like this, people have theorised that the new design is to prevent the opposing Lightsaber sliding down and  wounding the hand (similar to how Aniken defeated Count Douku at the start of Revenge of the Sith) however many have already pointed out the flaw in that there's about an inch of metal that the Lightsaber could cut through before the guard beam. The new design however may just be an attempt at demonstrating the advancements within the technology since Return of the Jedi. I think that this is going to be the character played by Dominhall Gleeson and I don't think its going to be the main dark Jedi within the trilogy, I theorise that maybe Max Von Sydow or Adam Driver will get the gong for biggest bad guy within the new trilogy. There may very well be many new Dark Jedi's emerging now that not only the Emprors dead, but according to rumors Luke Skywalkers been missing for 20 years.

3. The Dark Screen When The Voice Over Says "And the Light"

Maybe I'm looking too far into it but this stood out for me more than the new Lightsaber, I think the fact that they gave us a glimpse of "the dark" Jedi but then as the voice over  says "and the light" the picture goes black for me says that there are no Light Jedi's left within the film.There's been several rumours within the whole Star Wars community that Luke's gonna be the new Sith Lord within the new trilogy but I believe that the rumour that he's been missing for 20 years is going to be more accurate,  the film may be focusing on and overthrow of new Dark Sith emerging since his disappearance and the demise of the Empror and how hope is being lost within the galaxy as there are no Light Jedi left to counter the Sith since his disappearance. Maybe the film is about the group trying to locate Luke whilst these Sith assassins set out to stop them?or find him themselves?If
this is right then there's a good chance that they'll only be reunited at the end of the film, which would set up the next two films perfectly.

4. The Stormtroopers

star-wars-the-force-awakens-image-32I don't have much to theorise on this but I think their new design is brilliant, obviously they couldn't keep the same armour from the original trilogy because within 30 years technology would of advanced and I'm very happy they didn't, I think this is the best design  of Stormtroopers that there's been (counting the Clones design too) the clip seems too be more gritty also, which is great because it gives off the affect that they're actually going to war, the whole Clone War in episode 2 and 3 never really felt like they were going into a deadly battle, I think that episode 7 is going to be more dark and more gritty, hopefully working to the films advantage.

It also seems that Oscar Isaac is going to be a adequate pilot within the new films so if Han does eventually die within the new trilogy then I can see him taking over in the Falcon. Only the new film will tell us what direction they're going in, and after this trailer I cant wait for December 2015, I'm sure it will be one of the best yet.

Everything I've wrote here is just my opinions and there's a good chance non of it is correct. but everyone else is theorizing so I thought I may aswell of had a go at it too. Hope the people that read it enjoy, feel free to give me your opinions also.

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